Monday, February 15, 2010

Prevention of HPV

The vaccine currently marketed in the United States prevents infection by human papilloma virus (HPV) types 6, 11, 16, and 18. Vaccination against HPV types 16 and 18 is most effective in preventing infections from these viruses in females who have not previously been infected with these types.

It is most effective when given before the onset of sexual activity. The impact of this vaccine on the incidence of cervical cancer will not be observable for years. Its effectiveness will depend on the duration of immunity and will be optimized by achieving maximum coverage of the target population.

Most investigators agree that routine immunization in females should begin at approximately age 12 years. Since the vaccine has been widely available only for a few years, catch-up vaccinations are currently recommended in previously unvaccinated females beginning at age 13 years and ranging to an upper limit of age 18-26 years.

Educating women, particularly those who are socially and economically disadvantaged, about behaviors that enhance sexual risk reduction has a proven benefit in reducing the incidence of STDs. Reducing the incidence of STDs potentially could decrease HPV transmission and, consequently, the incidence of cervical carcinoma.

Condom use may reduce the transmission of HPV to uninfected sex partners, but it does not eliminate the risk. Furthermore, caution patients that treatment does not eliminate the possibility of HPV transmission because latent virus still may be present in tissues adjacent to treated areas.

The risk of perinatal human papilloma virus (HPV) transmission to the oropharyngeal mucosa of the neonate is low for mothers with latent infections or genital warts. The time between rupture of the amnion and delivery may be a critical factor in predicting transmission.

Infants with HPV-positive nasopharyngeal aspirates in the immediate postpartum period are considered contaminated rather than infected with HPV because the virus generally clears from the neonate over several months after birth. Cesarean delivery for the prevention of vertical HPV transmission to the newborn is not indicated. However, in rare cases, cesarean delivery may be indicated if the pelvic outlet is obstructed by large genital warts.

Approximately two thirds of patients with nongenital cutaneous warts experience a spontaneous regression within 2 years; however, some new warts may appear. Genital warts may spontaneously regress, remain unchanged, or increase in size. Treatment of these lesions does not affect the development of cervical cancer.

Most doctors use cauterization or freezing as a first option to cure genital warts. Unfortunately, success achieved with this method is often temporary and the warts soon reappear. For genital warts, cures may involve having to surgically excise or burn them off. After surgical intervention or chemical acids are used, one can expect a scar in that area.

Surgical intervention as a HPV cure attempts not only to cut out the virus but also to stimulate tissue inflammation. The theory is that the body will then develop an antibody response to prevent viral recurrence. However, this method to cure genital warts often fails as doctors are unable to remove the virus in its entirety, since it commonly lodges itself deep in the dermal layers of the skin.

Among all the types of genital warts cures, genital surgery subjects the patient to a highly invasive procedure. This method can be most unpleasant and ineffective, and can also create genital scarring. An alternative antiviral treatment is now available which represents a very promising solution to the growing epidemic of genital warts.

HPVCurative is a new, highly effective and potent way to cure genital warts. It is valued for its role in the realm of genital warts cures, and has provided total clearance of the infection time after time. Results are guaranteed. It contains certified organic medicinal plant extracts and antiviral essential oils, which have demonstrated the ability to act as an HPV cure in laboratory tests.

Users of HPVCurative experience rapid elimination of genital warts without scarring or recurrence. The treatment is painless and provides superb results when compare to other HPV cures. It eliminates genital warts and restores skin tissue to the state it was in prior to the infection. Since the treatment can effectively remove genital warts and wart-like substances on the genitals, acid or surgical HPV cures may soon become a thing of the past.

Alkaloids exhibiting a broad spectrum of antiviral activity have been identified in a select few herbal extracts, which have been blended into all of our HPV cures. These antiviral alkaloids can penetrate into human tissue, and are known to be highly effective in genital warts cures. To learn more, please go to

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