Tuesday, February 16, 2010

HPV Infection and Disease

Of the 10 million cases of cancer that develop annually throughout the world, more than 15% are estimated to be attributable to infectious agents. Infection by human papilloma viruses (HPVs) accounts for approximately 30% of these cancers, with hepatitis B and C viruses and Helicobacter pylori together accounting for another 60% of cancers with an infectious etiology.

HPVs infect the stratified squamous epithelia of skin and mucous membranes, where they cause benign lesions, some of which have the potential to progress to invasive cancer. HPVs are small, nonenveloped viruses whose approximately 8-kb circular genome encodes 2 structural proteins, L1 and L2, that form the viral capsid, plus several nonstructural proteins that are important for the virus life cycle but are not incorporated into virions.

To establish infection, microtrauma or erosion of the overlying epithelial layers is thought to enable HPVs to infect cells of the basal epithelial layer, where the stem cells and other long-lived cells are found. To establish infection, the virus must infect basal epithelial cells that are long lived or have stem cell-like properties. Microtrauma to the suprabasal epidermal cells probably enables the virus to infect the cell within the basal layer.

The viral genome maintains itself as an episome in basal cells, where the viral genes are poorly expressed. Viral replication takes place in suprabasal layers and is tied to the epidermal differentiation process. The presence of the virus causes morphological abnormalities in the epithelium, including papillomatosis, parakeratosis, and koilocytosis. Progeny virus is released in desquamated ces.

HPV infections tend to last months or years because the viral genome successfully parasitizes these cells and because the virus evades the immune system by limiting most viral gene expression and viral replication to suprabasal cell layers. Most infections are self-limited, presumably because the host eventually mounts a successful immune response.

The benign lesions induced by HPVs include nongenital and anogenital skin warts, oral and laryngeal papillomas, and anogenital mucosal condylomata. Progression from a benign cervical lesion to invasive cervical cancer. Infection by oncogenic HPV types, especially HPV16, may directly cause a benign condylomatous lesion, low-grade dysplasia, or sometimes even an early high-grade lesion.

Carcinoma in situ rarely occurs until several years after infection. It results from the combined effects of HPV genes, particularly those encoding E6 and E7, which are the 2 viral oncoproteins that are preferentially retained and expressed in cervical cancers; integration of the viral DNA into the host DNA; and a series of genetic and epigenetic changes in cellular genes. HSIL, high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion; LSIL, low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesn.

Anogenital infections are almost always transmitted sexually. Long-term infection by a subset of HPVs can lead to malignant anogenital tumors, including cancers of the anus, penis, vulva, vagina, and cervix. A proportion of oral cancer is also attributable to HPV. While HPV infection has been associated on limited occasions with esophageal cancer and skin cancer, a frequent causal link, although plausible, remains more tenuous.

Most doctors use cauterization or freezing as a first option to cure genital warts. Unfortunately, success achieved with this method is often temporary and the warts soon reappear. For genital warts, cures may involve having to surgically excise or burn them off. After surgical intervention or chemical acids are used, one can expect a scar in that area.

Warts occurring on the body, face, feet, hands or genitals can be successfully eliminated with AntiWarts-Rx. This product is made from strictly certified organic antiviral plant material and concentrated with naturally occurring monoterpene ketones which have tremendous antiviral effects against the wart virus, HPV, as demonstrated in published scientific studies.

As some go their entire life without ever having a wart, while others seem prone to the infection, it is commonly believed occurrences of warts are associated with a lower immunity against HPV. As a result, ImmunoDrops for Warts is a powerful organic dietary supplement developed by NaturesPharma exclusively to combat HPV and strengthen immune parameters for those afflicted with warts.

Our anti-warts treatments are characterized by very strong and real pharmacological activities which unequivocally qualifies them as “ethical drugs”. The antiviral properties of these treatments are undisputed and basic common sense must be considered when using any treatment, natural or synthetic. To learn more, please go to http://www.naturespharma.org

bcured - About the Author:
staff of Nature Power Company, which is a network company dedicated to promoting customers' websites and developing softwares. You can go to the following websites to learn more about our natural organic products. http://www.bcured.net http://www.naturespharma.org

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