Look, when it comes to hand warts, warts on your elbows, your knees, the soles of your feet, you can go ahead and cry whatever crazy concoction you may have read about on the internet. A few of those home remedies are sort of effective, and most of them don’t work, but you at least don’t stand to hurt yourself in the process of self-medicating your HPV infection.
But… when it comes to genital HPV, we can only recommend, in good conscience, real medical attention. Still, if you insist on getting your HPV treatment advice from the big book of home remedies or some such, we urge you to at least consider the following… and strike them right off the list of possible home remedies…
One of the more popular home remedies for common warts is to apply certain things from the kitchen to the infected area. You can tape a piece of garlic to a wart, dip it in vinegar, or soak it in salt water. Surprisingly, some of this stuff kind of actually works. Foods with incredibly high acidic content do, in fact, have what it takes to burn away at warts.
…And that’s exactly why you should never apply these foods to your genitals. Your hands, your feet, they can handle “spicy foods”, but putting garlic on your nether regions is no safer, and no smarter, than rubbing it in your eyes. If you’re looking for home remedies, stay out of the kitchen.
Home Surgery
Most people wince at the very idea of trying to surgically excise their own warts. Some doctors will treat hand warts with a pair of sterilized surgical scissors. It’s quick, relatively painless, and most importantly; performed in a sterile, medical environment.
If your HPV infection is severe enough that you’re even contemplating a solution this dangerous and crazy, then it’s severe enough to go see your physicist. You’re not a surgeon, don’t operate on yourself.
Footcare Products
You can get rid of plantar warts with relative ease with a hot footbath and a corn remover, but the very thought of applying the same treatment to genital warts is enough to make any rational person’s hair stand on end. Yes, it is just as painful and as ineffective as you’d guess.
In martial arts, a lot of movements are designed to keep the feet and hands in the heat of the action, and the head and genitals well outside of the action. This is because your feet and hands are the toughest parts of your body, and your head and genitals are the most vulnerable. You wouldn’t wear shoes in place of underwear, so don’t use a plantar wart removal method on your more sensitive parts.
If you think what we’re saying here is “Don’t use any home remedies to take care of genital warts”, you’re absolutely correct. Trying to treat genital warts yourself can result in scarring, loss of sensitivity due to nerve damage, or worse. Just don’t do it. If you think you have genital HPV, see a doctor. Genital HPV is not a problem you can solve with a simple home remedy.
Michelle Anderson - About the Author:
HPV Health is dedicated to bringing you the most current information on HPV. We are dedicated to helping you. For more information on symptoms and treatments visit HPV.
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