Sunday, March 21, 2010

Do You Know How to Avoid an HPV Infection

All over the world,many people are infected with HPV(Human Papilloma Virus) infection and are not aware of it because they have not displayed any signs or symptomps as yet.

HPV infection is highly contagious and due to the fact that not all infected people will display any signs at all,the spread of it is at an alarming rate.

HPV is dormant in the body and therefore it can reappear even after treatment in some people.

There are more than 100 types of HPV and in that case Human Papilloma Virus has no cure but can be treated should it produce plantar warts on the feet, common hand warts, juvenile warts, butcher's warts, and genital warts.

Abstinence is the only 100 percent-effective way to avoid genital HPV infection.Smokers may be more likely to develop HPV infection than nonsmokers. They are also more likely to have the infection recur.

Use condoms every time. They can reduce the risk of genital warts which is as a result of HPV infection. But they are known not to be as effective against HPV.

The only way to prevent an HPV infection is to avoid direct contact with the virus, which is transmitted by skin-to-skin contact.

In other cases the HPV infection can be spread through coming into contact with clothing or garments especially towels and under garments of an infected person.

Therefore care should be taken when doing laundry and when storing these cloths and materials.

Maintaining a good lifestyle helps a great deal in avoiding HPV infection.What i mean by this is,when you eat healthy foods,drink lots of water and exersice,you are helping your body biuld its immune system and should there be infections coming your way, your body is able to fight them off.

Like i mentioned earlier there are many different strains of HPV and if your antibodies are not able to fight one particular stain then i bet your immunity against all HPV infections is poor and chances of fighting them off are almost nil.

Getting proper dignosis is the first step in avoiding HPV infections.This will help a good deal in cubbing the spread of the infections too.In the event of finding out that you are leaving with the HPV infection there are many precautionary measures to take.

On the other hand if you dont have the HPV infection, you can avoid it and stay healthy for life.

About the author:
Wangeci Kinyanjui has been researching and reporting on Health Matters for years. For more information on HPV infection, visit her site at HPV INFECTION 

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