Sunday, January 31, 2010

Anogenital Warts

Anogenital warts are a commonly misunderstood disease. Caused by Human papilloma virus types 6, 11, 42, 43, 44 and 55, among others, anogenital warts, sometimes simply called genital warts, are a type of genital HPV, but are only one small subsection of genital HPV.

Other types of genital HPV may lead to genital cancers, such as cervical cancer, while others may lead to no symptoms whatsoever. Luckily, the types that lead to anogenital warts do not lead to cancer.

That said, the presence of anogenital warts should not be taken as a sign that you do not have an HPV type that can lead to cancer. Multiple HPV types can affect an individual at once, and it is entirely possible to have both anogenital warts and developing cervical cancer from two or more different strains of genital HPV.

Anogenital warts tend to spread only through direct sexual contact. It is possible for anogenital warts to spread to the mouth, though it is somewhat rare.

One common misconception is that HPV is only contagious when an infection is active. This isn’t the case. In fact, HPV can spread for even months after a wart infection clears up. For this reason, we strongly urge that you consult your physician before considering yourself ready to have sex again, and we insist that you use a latex condom during sex.

If you do contract genital warts, they can sometimes be easily identified from a “layman’s” perspective on sight, but other times may only become visible through some medical testing. If you do suspect that you have contracted anogenital warts, make sure to consult your doctor before taking action, lest you wind up treating a pimple or an ingrown hair with an over the counter genital wart remover.

Do not use home remedies on anogenital warts. There are a number of home remedies that work like a charm on common warts on the hands and feet, but your hands and feet are not as sensitive as your genitals. There are some over the counter and prescription treatments for anogenital warts that tend to be highly effective, so there’s no reason to try and treat anogenital warts with slices of garlic, dabs of vinegar, or something you found in a home pedicure kit.

Again, anogenital warts are uncomfortable, but do not lead to cancer. That said, women should make absolutely certain to have their regular pap smear conducted, as this is the only way to identify the types of HPV which show no visible symptoms, but which can lead to cervical cancer. And as always, safe sex should be practiced, in order to prevent contracting or spreading genital HPV.

Because anogenital HPV strains can lie dormant in one’s body for years without showing any visible symptoms, it is possible to see genital warts occur even a decade or longer after contracting the disease. It is also possible to contract anogenital wart causing HPV without ever seeing any visible symptoms. This is worth making a bit more public, as dormant HPV suddenly showing symptoms years after infection has led to a lot of distrust in marriages. Genital warts suddenly appearing are not always a sign of infidelity.

If you do have anogenital warts, just make sure to go through the proper steps. Talk to your doctor, and treat the warts medically.

Michelle Anderson - About the Author:
HPV Health is dedicated to bringing you the most current information on HPV. We are dedicated to helping you. For more information on symptoms and treatments visit HPV Information.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Gardasil Vaccine for HPV-Related Cancer Full of Dangers

School supplies and new outfits are on parents’ minds at this time of year, but they should be aware of a new danger – the aggressive promotion of the potent vaccine Gardasil, which has been linked to the deaths of up to 39 women and a host of other problems.

Produced by Merck & Co., Gardasil is a vaccine designed to prevent human papilloma virus (HPV), a common sexually transmitted infection which can cause cervical cancer. Advertised as a “vaccine against cancer,” Merck has poured millions of dollars into a promotion campaign that has reached to the level of school and city health officials.

But an independent study by the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) compared Gardasil with Manactra, an anti-meningitis drug that is also given to children. The report said, “compared to Menactra, receipt of Gardasil is associated with at least twice as many emergency room visit reports; four times more death reports; five times more ‘did not recover’ reports; and seven times more ‘disabled’ reports.”

“Catalog of Horrors”

Approved by the FDA in 2006 for girls and women age 9 through 26, Gardasil is the focus of some 6,700 unsettling cases reported by the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), an agency of the department of Health and Human Services. Many of the cases seem to indicate a possible cause and effect relationship between the drug and its many problems. It is estimated that only one in ten adverse effects of such drugs are reported.

"The FDA adverse event reports on the HPV vaccine read like a catalog of horrors,” said Tom Fitten, president of Judicial Watch, a non-partisan watchdog group that says that there has not been a chance to study long-term side effects of the vaccine.

School and public health officials have been pushing the vaccine for girls in the weeks before school begins, and some states have considered mandatory vaccinations.

Many Side Effects

The FDA package insert for the drug lists these possible side effects: headache, fever, nausea, dizziness, local injection site reactions such as pain, swelling of the skin, itching, and bruising, seizure-like activity, and anaphylaxis, which is an allergic reaction.

Womancare Services, Inc. - About the Author:
Women in Berwyn, Oak Park, Stickney, LaGrange, Cicero, Westchester, and nearby towns are encouraged to learn more about the vaccine, and the suitability of its use for you or your daughter by contacting WomanCare Services in Berwyn, IL. WomanCare Services offers help to women facing unintended pregnancies in the near southwest Chicago area. Go to WomanCare Services. Or call 708-795-6000.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Schools are the Key in Hpv Vaccination Programme

It's believed that schools could hold the key to a new cancer vaccination programme that has the potential to save hundreds of lives. Cervical cancer affects many women in the UK, with British women having a one in 116 chance of getting it at one point in their lives.

Healthcare professionals are very excited about this vaccine, which can protect women from two strains of the human papilloma virus (HPV) - the sexually transmitted virus that causes 70% of cervical cancer. Indeed, the Department of Health believes that this vaccine could save around 400 lives each year and countries where the vaccine has already been introduced have noted a significant 43% reduction in pre-cancerous changes.

Cancer Research UK calls the vaccination programme "an exciting step towards preventing cervical cancer in the UK", and it is being launched through local primary care trusts (PCTs) from September. Nearly all of these PCT's are focusing the programme on schools.

The programme involves a series of three jabs that will be offered to 12-13 year old girls from September. In addition to this, there will also be a catch-up programme for older girls.

The Royal Society of Health, which is a public health charity, sent a letter to all secondary school head teachers last month in order to stress the importance of their role in the programme. It read: "Educational support from schools is paramount to ensuring that there is good uptake of the programme, by helping young people and their parents understand that this is an effective and necessary measure to improve public health."

A study by Cancer Research UK indicated that three-quarters of mothers are in favour of vaccinating their daughters against HPV. However, there are many people who do not approve of the vaccine. In fact, as the vaccine prevents a sexually transmitted virus, some parents are worried that it could encourage promiscuity. Because of this, Sharon White, at the School and Public Health Nurses' Association (Saphna) believes that the vaccine should be separated from the issue of sexual health. She said: "The emphasis needs to be on cancer prevention, because that is key. We don't want the emphasis to be on sexual health, because of the religious and ethical issues around it, although obviously it is linked to sexual health and sexual activity."

The programme will involve giving girls three separate jabs, which means girls could miss one of the vaccinations through absence. As a result, Sharon White believes some children will ‘fall through the net' during the vaccination programme, particularly those in disadvantaged socio-economic groups. She said: "We have concerns about some of the more vulnerable children, such as looked-after children in public care, or children who are school-phobic."

Sarah Hyllok - About the Author:
Sarah Hyllok is an expert on sexually transmitted diseases. She has spent 15 years as a sex therapist helping bored couples.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hpv Symptoms

The Human Papilloma Virus, or HPV for short, comes in few different forms. These include, Plantar Warts, Common Warts, Flat Warts and Genital Warts. HPV symptoms for each of these vary to a great degree, but there will be similarities.

If an infected person displays any HPV symptoms they should seek medical help. HPV is a highly infectious virus and can spread very rapidly. There is also the little known fact that although HPV symptoms can be treated, the actual HPV virus cannot be cured.

Instead, the HPV infected person will have to fight the virus internally. In other words the person’s immune system will need to fight the good fight. Unfortunately this fight can sometimes take a few years to become a victory for the immune system.

Until then a person can, and in most cases will, display HPV symptoms and signs. There are of course exceptions to this rule and some people can go around with the HPV virus for a few years and not display any HPV symptoms at all.

For the most part HPV symptoms will manifest themselves in the form of warts. However in some cases there will be no physical manifestation of the HPV symptoms.

HPV symptoms include, but are not limited to the following symptoms. Pink, or flesh colored lesions, single or multiple instances of warts, moisture of the affected area, itching of the affected areas or a burning sensation.

Conversely even if a person displays HPV symptoms in the form of warts this doesn’t mean that they will experience any discomfort. They might display a wart or multiple warts, but other accompanying HPV symptoms will not be present.

Depending on the type of HPV, some people also experience an intense pain in the area of the wart. Warts, as part of HPV symptoms can also vary in appearance. They can be small, large, raised lesions, or flat ones.

They can also be singular or spread to multiple warts, if this happens, and in the same place, the warts can also take on a cauliflower-like appearance. Although the HPV infection itself can’t be cured, the HPV symptoms can be cured or removed.

There are many methods to accomplish this task, with some of the most popular methods being those of a surgical nature. Other methods include the use of natural medications and in some cases home remedies or folk remedies which are also used to cure HPV symptoms.

Also available are over-the-counter remedies which are available to cure HPV symptoms, but these should be avoided at all costs if a person suffers from genital warts. This is due to the nature of the medications which are too strong to use in the sensitive genital area.

Instead prescription medications will need to be used in order to get rid of the HPV symptoms. Which one is chosen will depend on personal preference, the type of HPV infection and also the overall health of the patient. 

Krishan Bakhru - About the Author:

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What is HPV?

Human papillomavirus is a virus that affects the skin and surrounding areas of the genitals and can lead to genital warts. It is one of the leading STDs in young women as the one-hundred thirty types of virus are highly contagious through sexual contract. Up to seventy five percent of sexually active people will contract HPV at some point in their lives.

There are high risk and low risk variations of HPV. The higher risk variations of HPV often occur symptomless and can progress to precancerous lesions. These types of HPV are assigned a number - of which most are low risk. The highest risk types of HPV are 16, 18,31,33,35,39,45,51,52,56,58 and 69.

HPV is one of the leading causes of cervical cancer. Up to 26.8% of the population in the United States is infected with one type of the virus. Fifteen percent of women have been infected with the virus at some point in their lives, and 3.4% are infected with one of the types which are protected by the Gardasil vaccine. It is important to remember that one can be affected by more than one type of the HPV virus - regardless of symptoms which are present.

What are the Symptoms of HPV? There are some varieties of HPV that cause symptoms such as genital warts and other variations have no symptoms at all. Regardless of the type, prevention and screening are important parts of diagnoses and therapeutic treatment plans.

Although some variants of HPV are symptomless, pap smears are a preventative technique to detect these precancerous lesions. These are an integral part in the prevention of cervical cancer and should be conducted on a yearly basis for women who are sexual active, or have reached adulthood.

Other symptoms of HPV include genital warts which are non-cancerous skin growths present on the genital area. There are four types of warts that can be caused by HPV viruses: common warts, planter warts, flat warts and subungal warts. Common warts are most commonly found in the genital area and are quite contagious. These warts are one of the most common indications that HPV is present within the bodily system. Types of HPV 6 and 11 are the most common types of HPV that account for more than ninety percent of genital warts.

What treatments are Available for HPV? Treatments available for HPV include the removal of the symptoms, the genital warts by removal using chemical compounds. Though there are is no treatment for HPV, many types will clear without treatment as the response from the immune system is initiated.

Vaccines have been created such as Gardasil and Cervarix to prevent up to four percent of the variants of the HPV virus. These immunizations are effective for women between the ages of sixteen and twenty-four, for the prevention of HPV and genital warts.

To help prevent this virus one can remain abstinent, because avoiding all sexual contact is the only way to be one hundred percent sure that it can be avoided.

Brenda Williams - About the Author:

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Natural Cure for HPV: Does Tea Tree Oil Really Work?

Tea tree oil, or melaleuca oil, is derived from a plant that typically grows near water, many times along the banks of rivers or creeks, most commonly found in and around certain parts of Australia. The oil is extracted from the Melaleuca alternifolia, or the leafs of the plant, and then bottled and shipped worldwide. The essential oils from this plant have some proven antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. However, there are some great myths surrounding the usage of this oil as a natural cure for HPV. For instance, most of the oils that you will find on the web that are sold as holistic alternative treatment methods for treating genital warts or anal warts, if you were to look at their primary ingredients you are buying, or paying mostly for this oil; which can be purchased at any common farmer’s market or many drug stores for a much greater bargain.

While this oil does exude some properties that can help to treat the symptoms of HPV, indeed, there are many other things that the makers of these so-called cures don’t want you to know. For instance, the oil can cause adverse reactions, like serious allergic reactions, and many times the concentration of the oil is intended to be diluted with water or other elements – like you would see in soaps or shampoos that contain the oil, in order to avoid burning the skin or causing irritations. So while there are some healing properties in using this oil, the claims of it being a natural cure for HPV are a bit overstated, to say the least.

So what can you do if you want to naturally treat HPV?
According to the Center for Disease Control, most people that have this virus can naturally fight it off by boosting their immune system to respond better. In fact, did you know that all of the prescribed creams that are currently out there that treat this virus do just that? They are called imiquimods, which means they boost the immune system response so that the virus can naturally be combated by the body. And such creams only have a documented 40% success rate. Compare that to Tea Tree Oil, which has no clinical documentation, and there really is nothing to compare.

If you find out that you have been diagnosed with the HPV virus, always consult a physician on ways that you can alter your lifestyle and nutritional supplements that you can start using that can boost your immune system, introduce antivirals and speed up the healing process, so you can safely and naturally defeat the virus.

Learn more about an amazing Natural Remedy for HPV at:

Monday, January 25, 2010

Genital Warts (HPV) - Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

What Causes Genital Warts?

Genital warts are caused by various types of HPV (human Papilloma virus) and can appear on the skin anyplace in the genital part as a white or flesh colored, smooth, small bumps, or fleshy, larger, cauliflower like lumps. More than 100 different subtypes of HPV are recognized and about 30 of them in particular affect the genitals.

What Are The Most Common Symptoms

When the symptoms appear the patient will see pinkish/white little lumps or bigger cauliflower shaped lumps on the genital area. Warts appear around or on the penis, the scrotum, the anus or the thighs. Warts In women develop around inside the vagina or vulva and on the cervix. Having warts on cervix may cause minor bleeding or in rare occasions an unusual colored discharge from vagina.

Warts may happen singly or in groups. They may itch but are usually painless. Sometimes they are difficult to be spotted. In severe cases, they may spread from the genitals the anus area, even without an anal intercourse.

Any suspicion about lumps and bumps on the genitals usually can be resolved by a quick visit to a doctor or sexual health clinic.

Treatment For Genital Warts

Once a person is infected, there won't be any treatment which can eliminate genital warts completely. Most of the times outbursts of genital warts become less frequent eventually, until the virus is cleared out of the body naturally.

Even after applying the treatment there is a chance of reappearance of the warts. Since Genital warts are caused by viruses, antibiotics will not affect them.

Common treatments are:

·Podophyllin resin is a brown liquid which is painted on the wart by practitioner and must be washed off after 4 hours. it may require more than one applications to work effectively.

·Podopfilox lotion/gel which the patient can apply it at home. It has some side effects but it's well-suited for home treatment.

·Cryocautery it affects by using nitrogen to freeze the persistent warts and is not suitable for children.

·Laser treatment can be expensive and is usually used for very extensive and tough to treat warts.

·Electrocautery - by using a super heat needle which is heated with electric current, the wart cells are burnt and blood vessels are cauterized. This procedure is usually carried out in a doctor's clinic only if other treatments have failed.

·Surgical excision - minor surgery is performed by the doctor under local anesthetic to remove the wart. The doctor or nurse should give the patient advice about the sexual relation whilst receiving treatment.

Non-prescription treatments are available for genital HPV, but it is advised to always seek medical advice. One must not try to treat genital warts by himself. See a doctor!

It's very important for a woman, who is pregnant or has plans to become pregnant, to inform the doctor. Podophyllin treatments could harm and disturb the developing baby and so an alternative treatment should be used instead.

To Your Health!

James S. Pendergraft - About the Author:
Abortion Clinic. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996. STDs, physical examinations, family planning, counseling. Late Term Abortion Clinic.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

HPV Vaccine and side effects

A group of British teenagers has launched the first legal action in the U.K. against the makers of cervical cancer vaccine, Cervarix. They have suffered symptoms ranging from paralysis and ­seizures to fatigue and muscle aches since being given the vaccine. But a growing number of parents and medical experts believe the vaccine may have alarming side effects.

A spokeswoman for GlaxoSmith-Kline, which makes Cervarix, said: “Cervarix had to undergo rigorous testing with large numbers of people in numerous clinical studies.” She said more than 70,000 doses of the firm’s vaccine had been given in trials and recipients had been monitored for more than six years. Clinical studies had shown Cervarix was “generally well tolerated”. Critics say its sister vaccine Gardasil, used in the US for nearly three years, is linked to almost 12,000 reactions including 32 deaths, paralysis, seizures, blood clots, heart ­attacks, sight problems and blackouts.

With any type of mass immunization there will always be some vaccine reactions the question as I see it is whether there are significantly more reactions than expected or projected. In the U.S. those with injuries can file lawsuits but they can also go through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. The link takes you to a much more thorough website than you would expect and gives all the information needed to file a claim.

It makes me wonder though, How high would the risk of side effect have to be to keep you from receiving a vaccine that could prevent a recurrence of your cancer?

Kate Burton - About the Author:

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Three Reasons Why More People are Turning to Venereal Warts Natural Cures

The numbers for those who are infected with the HPV virus in the United States alone are off the charts! According to expert disease control centers, like the CDC (Center for Disease Control), one in two sexually active people in the US will suffer from an HPV infection in their lifetime. Now those are some shocking and scary numbers. In fact, they have also recently added some more information to that statistic that says that if you are having sex, even if protected, with anonymous partners, there is still a 1-2 chance that you could become infected with Genital human papillomavirus!

Seeing as this virus is easily spread, and that many people don’t even know that they may have it until external signs and symptoms, like venereal warts, surface one can better understand how this virus has become so widespread. The startling thing is that the medical community seems to be doing little about it, as warts are not life threatening. But when you have millions of people who are infected with HPV, and with a number steadily growing each year—as the CDC currently estimates that six million people will become infected with HPV in 2010, and that around twenty some odd million people already have genital warts, why is there no medical drug that treats this disease?

Sure, there are shots that young girls can get which prevent a few of the forty known strains, and mostly serve to prevent cervical cancer. And then there are creams that are very expensive and that only have a less than fifty percent success rate – creams that simply boost the immune system response to the virus. So as you can see, there are ample reasons why people are turning to venereal warts natural cures in the US, and what follows are three of the top reasons.

1.    There is no medical cure for HPV, and the treatment options include painful surgeries or freezing, or using creams that have poor success rates. So many people seek natural alternatives to try and treat HPV in the privacy of their own home.
2.    With no medical cure in sight, and no companies making any strides to treat this virus, it is no shocker that more companies are creating natural cures for HPV that boost the immune system to help sufferers find affordable relief.
3.    Nobody wants to suffer from venereal warts, and the embarrassment, anxiety and depression that they can cause. With nothing else to look for, venereal wart natural cures seem to be currently the best bet at eradicating this virus.

Learn more about an amazing Venereal Warts Natural Remedy at:

Friday, January 22, 2010

Oral Cancer and Hpv in Men: a Connection?

Typically, oral cancer has been associated with tobacco and alcohol use; however, people who don’t smoke or drink excessively are also susceptible. Men are twice as likely as women to get oral cancer; in fact, an estimated 19,000 men are diagnosed with oral cancer each year. Adding to this, research suggests that men who have been diagnosed with the human papillomavirus (HPV) are at a higher risk for getting oral cancer. Oral cancer is a serious illness, and its treatment and diagnosis deserve serious attention.

Because there is currently no cure for HPV, many in the medical community are now promoting the vaccine Gardasil to prevent the acquisition of the sexually transmitted disease (and, by extension, oral cancer) in men and boys. Although Gardasil may help address the problem, it is critical that men receive proper dental care to help screen for oral cancer.

Oral Screenings

As with other types of cancer, early detection is critical in beating oral cancer. Fortunately, breakthroughs in technology allow for faster and more accurate detection of suspicious tissue than ever before.

Good oral screenings includes the following:

• Regular check-ups – During a routine examination, your dentist will inspect your mouth for lesions, discolorations, or other abnormalities.

Adjunctive screening – Today, many dentists use technology such as ViziLite Plus to better detect soft tissue abnormalities. During an adjunctive screening, your dentist will dim the lights and use a special light to inspect the inside of your mouth. These screenings are completely painless, and they can alert your dentist to abnormalities that might not be readily visible to the naked eye.

What to Watch For

During your appointment, you might learn what warning signs to look for at home; by empowering patients to self-examine, dentists help ensure that oral cancer is caught early.

If you notice any of the following, call a dentist right away:

• White, red, or otherwise discolored spots in the mouth

• Sores in or around the mouth that do not heal

• Excessive and repeated bleeding in the mouth

• Pain or numbness in the mouth area

The key to successfully fighting oral cancer is early diagnosis. All adults - especially those in high-risk groups - should be sure to visit the dentist regularly and be aware of potential warning signs.

Patricia Woloch - About the Author:
If you live in the Fort Lauderdale area and would like to schedule an oral cancer screening, please contact the licensed dentists at SmilePerfect today.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Human Papilloma Virus (Hpv) - Symptoms And Natural Remedies

Q. My daughter has the human papilloma virus (HPV). I know that it is associated with cervical cancer, as well as urinary tract infection, but she was told she would get better without treatment. Could you clarify the situation for me?

A. There are different types of human papilloma virus, which attack different areas of skin and mucus surfaces. About 25 percent of the population suffer from common warts (verruca vulgaris) on the skin, or ‘plantar’ HPV verrucas on the soles of the feet. Anal and genital warts are the most common sexually transmitted disease. The incubation period for HPV is usually three to four months (but it can be shorter or up to one year) after contact with an infected person. In men, HPV warts can be found on the penis. In women, the warts first appear on the labia and spread to the vulva, parts of the cervix. The complications of warts include itching and bleeding. Sometimes they become infected by bacteria, leading to the formation of pus. Large warts may cause an obstruction during sex or childbirth. In the uterine cervix, HPV may lie dormant, causing no symptoms, and then become active, leading to a discharge and vaginal irritation.

Vaginal and cervical HPV is commonly discovered during pap smear tests. More than 90 percent of cervical cancers contain DNA belong to high-risk HPV strains, but the ones that have been isolated in warts differ from those that cause cervical cancer. Since your daughter’s doctor advises that no treatment is needed, he/she is obviously not too worried at the moment. However, as innocuous viruses can mutate or pave the way for cancer-producing viruses to invade, I advise natural therapies to improve the immune system so that it can fight off the virus.


The body functions best when it had optimum nutrition. Avoid coffee, alcohol, rich curries and canned products, which weaken immunity and hinder the healing process, yeast, which produces gas and brews alcohol, which leads to candidiasis, a fungal infection that weakens the immune system; sugar/sugar products, which feed the candida; citrus or sour foods, which cause digestive problems by increasing stomach acid.

Certain foodstuffs hep energise the body, such as organic chicken soup with garlic, cinnamon and turmeric; freshly juiced carrots, apples, celery and ginger; fresh pomegranate juice, freshly squeezed grape juice, fresh vegetables and fruit and a high protein diet with chicken and fish in two meals each day.


* Take Zinc, 15 mg daily, for two months, to boost the immune system.

* Take BioEnergy, one tablet twice daily for three months; this helps energy production.

* Take ½ tsp kolonji oil with 1tsp manuka honey, twice daily for two months to boost energy.

*Marigold therapy, as practised by Dr Khan at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital has been successfully used for HPV.

 Stress Management

Practise yoga regularly. You will find details of the salute to the sun sequence, the corpse pose and breathing exercise in my book Therapeutic yoga. Do the cleaning breath and retention breathing.


Neck and shoulder massage relieves stress and improves blood circulation to the brain. Massage deeply into the nape of the neck and up the muscles on either side. You will find more details of how to do this on my Lifestyle Programme DVD.

Natural Therapies

Homoeopathy is very beneficial for HPV, as is acupuncture.

Dr Mosaraf Ali - About the Author:
I have obtained MD in General Medicine with Honours in 1980 and joined The Central Institute of Advanced Medical Studies in Moscow for post graduation in Acupuncture. I have completed diploma courses in Acupuncture, Anesthesia, Iridology, Hypnotherapy and Clinical Fasting. Practicing as Integrated Medicine expert.
Visit my health shop - http//
121 Crawford Street, London, W1U 6BE

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The HPV Virus (Genital human papillomavirus) Infection Rates are Astounding, Out of Control in the US!

According to last year’s CDC (Center for Disease Control) estimates, more than 20 million people in the US alone were currently infected with HPV (Genital human papillomavirus), and that these numbers were growing steadily at an alarming rate of 6 million HPV infected persons, per year! That means now that we are entering 2010, there could be anywhere between 20-30 million people in the US that KNOW that they have HPV. The CDC also said that about 90% of people that have HPV don’t even know that they have the HPV virus because, according to the CDC, 90% of people with the virus don’t show symptoms.

So what the real numbers are could be astounding!

In so many words, Genital human papillomavirus is OUT OF CONTROL IN THE US!

What About People that Show Signs and Symptoms of HPV?
Then there are the millions of people that are showing sings of this virus either through diagnosed abnormal pap smears, genital warts or anal warts. And with few medical HPV treatment options, such as freezing, burning or surgically removing the warts off, or using prescribed creams that just boost the immune system, the options are scarce, to say the least! The CDC also said that in many cases the body will naturally put the HPV virus back into dormancy within 2 years, once the immune system is able to effectively combat the virus – that’s a long time to wait!

For those who suffer from HPV, you have a few options that you can currently pursue, as there is no prescription cure for HPV currently.

1.    You can see your doctor and have HPV treated using embarrassing and painful freezing, burning or scalpel surgeries.
2.    You can try out a new cream for HPV that is costly and prescribed, and that has only been shown to be semi-effective in most patients.
3.    You can see out an All-natural Cure for HPV that boosts your immune system and attacks the virus, helping your body better defend against this virus and naturally clear it from your system faster.

If you have noticeable signs and symptoms of HPV, don’t wait another day. There are ways that you can boost your body’s immune system by attacking the virus internally using an All-natural Holistic Remedy for HPV that combines high-potency antivirals (the most powerful formulations known to man), three amazingly potent antioxidants, which kill most pathogens and boost your immune system, and that incorporates anti-stress and anti-anxiety natural supplements, which prevent the most common reason why people show signs and symptoms of HPV: STRESS-RELATED OUTBREAKS!

Learn more about revolutionary HPVI (Homeopathic Virus Inhibitor) by visiting:

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Am I Safe From Genital Warts?

Genital warts are very common. Health experts states that more than a million new cases of genital warts are diagnosed in the United States every year. Unfortunately, the number continues to increase. Based on the most recent health surveys, the prevalence of genital warts among citizens in the United States have increased twice faster than the prevalence rate of genital herpes in the past ten years.

However, not everyone who has the infection manifests symptoms. In fact, only one percent of the HPV infected population develops visible signs and symptoms. That is why you may actually have genital warts but not know about it.

What causes Genital Warts?

Genital Warts are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). This refers to a group of viruses comprised of more than eighty types. All of these types can cause wounds, lesions, sores, and warts. The most common of these types are Type 6, Type 11, Type 16, and Type 18. Type 6 and 11 are considered as the low-risk HPV types because they are more associated with skin lesions and sores. In contrast, Types 16 and 18 are classified as high risk types since they can cause abnormal cell growth (neoplasia or dysplasia). Such cell malfunction can cause cancers of the cervix or the anus.

How are warts passed on?

Although genital warts are very common, there are ways in avoiding victimization by this plague. To ensure your safety from genital warts, you should be aware of how the HPV virus spreads.

a. The HPV virus can easily be transmitted from one person to another by having sexual intercourse. A person who is sexually active is also highly at risk for genital warts. Regardless of gender and your age, this group is very vulnerable to the infection.

b. The HPV virus can spread not only through actual sexual intercourse. If a person has genital warts and you share the same sex toys, the virus will be transmitted just the same.

c. You don't need to have penetrative sex to get genital warts. The virus can be easily transmitted through skin to skin contact. Close genital contact can spread the virus.

d. If you are having sexual intercourse with a person with genital warts, you can still get the HPV virus even if you are using a condom. This is because condoms do not cover the entire part of the genital area. As such, you are still highly at risk from transmission through skin to skin contact.

e. The absence of genital warts in a person with HPV virus should not be regarded as an indication that HPV transmission is improbable. Keep it mind that even though genital warts are not visibly present, you can still get the HPV virus.

f. If you have oral sex with a person that has genital warts or a person with the HPV virus, you can develop warts in your lips or in your mouth.

g. If genital warts develop in your genital area, it is highly probable for you to develop warts around your anal area even without anal sex.

h. If no lesions or sores are present from a person infected with the HPV virus, it will not be transmitted through kissing, hugging, sharing towels and utensils, bathing in the same pool, and using the same toilet.

W. Darren - - About the Author:
For more information, kindly visit Genital Warts Support Team - a health resource dedicated to providing factual information about Genital Warts Treatment. Don't miss out the useful topics: "What Are Genital Warts?", "Symtoms of Genital Warts" and more.

Monday, January 18, 2010

What are the Causes of Human Papilloma Virus (hpv)?

Genital warts are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV), and resemble warts found on other parts of the body. Human papilloma virus (HPV) types 6,11,16,18 commonly cause anogenital infection, whereas types 1,2,3,4 and 10 cause skin warts. Warts usually appear 2 to 8 months after the infection has been acquired, but may take longer, even years, to appear. Asymptomatic infection is also common.

It is important to realise that many people can be infected with the genital wart virus but show no obvious lumpy warts.

Individuals infected with the virus, even without the lesions, can infect sexual partners. Some women have no evidence of genital wart virus, except on their Pap smear.

How is HPV Transmitted?
Although there are over 100 different strains of the virus, about 30 of them are considered to be sexually transmitted diseases,and are spread through sexual contact – most commonly vaginal, anal, or oral sex. Typically, the first symptom that an individual infected with HPV will experience is genital warts.

Herpes is contagious just prior to and during an outbreak. The most contagious period is when the cold sore (canker sore) orgenital herpes virus is replicating externally prior to an outbreak and during the outbreak when the lesions are filled with fluid.

It is almost impossible to contract the herpes virus from inanimate objects such as toilet seats. The cold sore and genital herpes viruses are spread through direct contact. The soft skin of the genitals, vagina and anus along with most surfaces of the moutharea are easy targets. Kissing, caressing and sexual contact with a person in the contagious stage will spread the disease.

Signs & Symptoms
·    Skin colored, pink or white lesions anywhere in the genital area
·    Lesions may by flat or raised and smooth or bumpy “cauliflower” appearance
·    HPV usually does not cause itching or burning
·    HPV can cause cell changes on a pap smear
·    Often there are no symptoms

Long Term Effects
Genital warts can be treated but not cured. The treatment can help make you feel better and can help take away the warts, but you will always have the virus. Having the virus can cause these problems:
·    You can pass it to others.
·    You have a higher chance of getting HIV (the virus that causes AIDS).

Genital warts treatments that can be applied directly to your skin include:
·    Imiquimod (Aldara). This cream appears to boost your immune system's ability to fight genital warts. Avoid sexual contact while the cream is on your skin. It may weaken condoms and diaphragms and may irritate your partner's skin.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) - cervical cancer and genital warts
teenage girl HPV There are many (over 100) types of Human papillomavirus (HPV), around 40 of which are sexually acquired and can infect the genital tract. Certain genital HPV infections can cause cervical cancer, other cancers and genital warts. HPV types
associated with cancer are called oncogenic or 'high risk' types #58; 13 have been recognised by the WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer.

james sameul - About the Author:

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sick of Suffering from the HPV Virus (genital human papillomavirus)? Have you Tried the Most Effective All-Natural Cure for HPV?

Did you know that according to CDC (Center for Disease Control) estimates in the US, that more than 20 million people had HPV Virus (genital human papillomavirus) in 2009, and that the number was expected to increase by an estimated 6 million persons per year, meaning that during this New Year of 2010, there could be anywhere from 20-30 million people infected with HPV!

Those are some shocking and intimidating numbers. And still, modern day science and all the many revelations that it has procured fails to address this out-of-control HPV virus and the many lives that it affects on a daily basis! As according to the CDC, more than 50% of sexually active adults will contract the HPV virus during their lifetime, and that the chances of you getting HPV from another partner has been upped from what was once a 1-4, to a 1-3 odd, and now a staggering and frightening 1-2 risk!

Another interesting factoid about HPV is that, according to medical experts, the virus can naturally clear on its own in sufferers—usually within 1 to 2 years, once the body’s immune system is able to better defend itself. Adding to the muster of these factoids, another one we can toss your way is that 90% of people who have HPV don’t know they have it until signs and symptoms, like genital warts, anal warts or an abnormal pap smear reveal it; and there is currently no way to test for HPV in men or women, aside from abnormal pap smears, until the virus has surfaced, showing external physical symptoms; generally stress can cause the immune system to falter, and then HPV can surface. Otherwise, in many cases HVP can lie dormant.

So now that you have been educated about the facts, which you can also find freely at the CDC’s informative STD webpage regarding the HPV genital human papillomavirus located online at:,  here is some good news on a revolutionary natural HPV cure that can really give you the relief that you seek!

We are Bio Natural Labs, the makers of a brand new, breakthrough and revolutionary all-natural remedy for HPV called HPVI (Homeopathic Virus Inhibitor). This amazing daily supplement provides a natural boost to your body’s immune system by incorporating dozens of the highest quality antiviral and all-natural extracts in the world, in very potent 4:1 and 5:1 ratios. It then is combined with three of the most powerful antioxidants in the world, and then topped off with the world’s most powerful anti-anxiety and all-natural antidepressant extracts, in an easy-to-take, daily capsule form. Our amazing natural HPV remedy boosts your immune system and allows you to naturally fight back against the virus FAST…SUPER FAST!

Why wait for your body to clear the virus, which could take years, if ever? Or why suffer from embarrassing doctor visits and burning or freezing therapy that many times fails eradicate the HPV virus—when our natural HPV Remedy can provide the results you seek for less than the cost of a single doctor visit!

Learn more about HPVI (Homeopathic Virus Inhibitor) All-Natural Remedy for HPV by Clicking Here!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

There’s a New HPV Virus All-Natural Cream Coming Soon…One that REALLY WORKS!

We at Bio Natural Labs are proud to announce that we are working diligently on the last remaining perfections in our new External Attack HPV cream that will really allow for you to fight off the HPV virus and its external signs (genital warts and anal warts) really fast, painlessly, and without causing any burning, scarring or discomfort whatsoever.

So what could possibly be in this cream for HPV that works, aside from other so-called HPV creams that you have tried that did nothing, or that showed minimal results?

Let’s address these questions.

HVPI (Homeopathic Virus Inhibitor) External Attack HPV Cream is the most powerful cream for treating genital warts, anal warts, penile warts, vaginal warts and other warts on the body for several reasons.

But let’s break it down to the top three reasons so you better understand.

1.    External Attack HPV Cream incorporates a dozen of nature’s most potent antiviral extracts that have been scientifically and holistically proven to defeat and attack the HPV virus at the root, in the deep dermal layers of the skin, killing it and forcing it out of the skin. The delivery system in this cream for HPV allows the ingredients to safely penetrate the dermal layers to deliver key antiviral, antioxidant and other ingredients that create an environment that is inhospitable to the HPV virus.

2.    External Attack HPV Cream utilizes silver – which has been proven to kill HPV and about 900+ other pathogens and viruses – and that has been used by hospitals for centuries to heal skin and burns. Don’t be fooled by other silver creams for HPV on the market, because they don’t contain the other necessary ingredients to defeat HPV like our External Attack HPV Cream does; they merely only have silver.

3.    External Attack HPV Cream also is infused with oxygen and ozone, both which kill the HPV virus and promote the production of new skin and collagen, which forces the virus out of your skin and is able to be applied to even the most sensitive areas of the skin. Our cream for HVP can be used for genital warts, anal warts, penile warts, vaginal warts and all other warts or external signs of the HPV virus on the body!

Now that you know the truth, do yourself a favor. Research some other creams and you will realize that NONE OF THEM have the ingredients that ours does! Nor are they priced as affordably as our cream for HPV is! In fact, we offer more powerful ingredients, a better delivery system and more product for you money than any other HPV cream on the market!

Learn More about External Attack HPV Cream by Clicking Here!

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